Venue: The Exchange Conference Center | Boston, MA
Dress: Vows
Florist: Jeri Solomon Floral Designs
Cake: Luberto’s, Everett, MA
DJ: TSG Productions
Everything about Tara & Jim’s wedding was perfect!!
The weather was ideal, the details were adorable and the two of them were wearing the BIGGEST smiles all day.
I am so happy to show off their day through these pictures :)
The longer, slightly more interesting story? We’ll each tell you our own version.
Jim – I don’t, nor have I ever believed in love at first sight. However, the first words I heard (or should it be read) from Tara instilled in me a confidence that she, above all others, was someone truly special. I fell immediately thereafter.
I still remember pulling into the Harvard Square garage. I was nearly an hour early. A quick stop at John Harvard’s and I was on my way to the train station to meet the woman who, unbeknownst to me, would be my wife.
I paced, nervously, with the confidence of a man who had just left John Harvard’s, waiting for her to come up from the T. She came from across the street. I got us lost. We talked for hours, sending the waiter back six or seven times before ordering our dinner. We barely ate a bite. I walked her to the T, and offered her a ride home. I got a quick hug, and a pat on the back like we were old friends.
I thought I was dead in the water.
I saw her again a week later. I could barely pull myself away to head home. I struggled with this for a short time until she gave me a key. One year later, I gave her a ring in return. Now, nearly one year since that day, I find reason after reason to love her.
Tara – I’d like to thank Katie, Maggie, and an evening at Tavern on the Water for signing me up for eHarmony. Several bad dates later, I seriously regretted giving them my credit card to create my account, when I got a message from a bald guy whose profile picture featured him dressed as Captain Crunch. He was cute, funny, and intriguing. So when I boarded the T to meet him in Harvard Square I was nervous, and nearly an hour early. I exited the train at Kendall Square and waited for two trains to pass before deciding it was socially acceptable to arrive 15 minutes early.
When I came out of the T station, I saw his gleaming head across Harvard Square (waiting at the wrong T exit). We chatted nervously, walked excitedly, and after a bit of a detour, made it to dinner. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and I was pleasantly surprised when he suggested a second date before the second course (I thought I was dead in the water). Little did I know that one year later, he would ask me to marry him, we would write this silly story on our website, and I would be his wife.
Shout out to Amy Emily for being my awesome second photographer and making me laugh all day long :)
Gorgeous Tara
One of the best first looks I’ve ever witnessed!!
Who says formals can’t be fun?
how cute are these two?
The ceremony was so beautiful and emotional. I loved every second of it.
There were details everywhere you looked!