Venue: Five Bridges Inn | Rehoboth, MA
Caterers: Bonetown Burgers
Maine DJ: Bouchard Entertainment
Planner: Forever in a Day
Florist: Howard Levine & Co.
Officiant: The lovable Phil Bates (friend)
My heart was full leaving Mariah & David. As I was carrying my gear out of the tent at the end of the night, I noticed them quietly taking a minute to themselves and couldn’t help but smile. You can just see the love they have for each other exuding off of them, which makes my job just so much fun! It was a emotional, gorgeous, love filled day, and I was so happy to be a part of it! To top it off, two of my very dear friends (and past clients) were a bridesmaid and the officiant for Mariah and David which was pretty stellar :)
Mariah and David exchanged gifts to each other, a kickass custom banjo and a beautiful necklace Mariah has had her eye on but never expected to receive! Their reactions were the best :)
One of the best groom reactions to his bride I’ve seen!! Love these two to bits:That state of pure happiness right after you marry your guy…And if Five Bridges wasn’t awesome on its own, let’s add their alpacas to the mix!!