This is the coolest bracelet because it is Leah’s grandmother’s handwriting copied and made into a bracelet!
They don’t make them cuter. While the girls got ready, these nuggets read Christmas stories on the couch together. At one point, one was reading out loud to the others!
It was a warm day for sure! Also, Leah, can I PLEASE have your 6 pack? #kthx
This dress has become Facebook famous, and is truly one of my favorite dresses I have EVER seen.
HUGE thank you to my friend Molly LaCroix for second shooting with me and absolutely nailing it! I love it when I get to shoot with friends :) :)
Like father like son
Leah’s guys waiting for her at the end of the aisle :)
The cute kids in the front row MAY have been distracting haha I don’t blame them :)
Leah and Chris I demand that this photo hang somewhere in your house haha. I love it to pieces
Bunch of clowns
Too bad they have no fun together:
Kids table decor: